Monday, June 28, 2010

WHOOO's having a Baby?

Adrienne, my sister in law!

Jeannie, Mom, and I threw a Dr. Suess themed baby shower.  Jeannie made the cutest desserts, Mom did a Dr. Suess trivia game, I drew some pictures for decorations and bought fun socks for everyone.  Several of us dressed "Whoo-style"...including some of our babies.

This must be how "WHOO's" kiss.

My darling mother!

The picnic blanket I made for my new nephew.
I used a picnic table cloth for the back so grass won't stick to it and water/dirt will clean off easily.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Daddy is a good father because...

he's our friend.- J
Daddy's my friend.- T
plays games like hide and seek.- J
hide and seek.- T
Daddy gives me so many presents.- J
he love me many presents too.- T
Jaxon loves Dad!- J
Dad got me a bubble gun.- T
Brings me lots of dinosaurs to play with, my teddy bear, blanket, and dinosaurs. -J
Daddy...bubble gun...I like him.- T
he plays guns with me...toy guns...real guns with bullets.- J
Daddy loves me because he tells me important stuff.- J
Daddy puts dinosaur stickers on me.- J

I love Doug because he is a good father to our children. We love and miss you!

P.S. Dad didn't give them a bubble gun, their cousin Jace gave on to Talon for his birthday. =) Funny how they thought it must have come from their gun lovin dad.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


today we practiced marching (Doug) in the 90 degree humid sunshine. we sweated, drank water and sweated some more. its actually kinda fun. left face! about face! halt! you know the normal ones and then right dress right! countermarch! left flank march! anyway life here has met my expectations, ie i knew it would be hot and it is!! I miss the fam! wish I could see them at the end of the day. babe I love you!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

"How old are you now Talon? 4"...(really 3)

For Talon's 3rd Birthday, we went to the dinosaur museum with Jaxon, Colton, Nana, Jace, Jeannie, and Mallory. The three musketeers (Jax, Jace, Talon) ran all over the museum loving the dinosaurs.

For his birthday dinner he requested his favorites. Mac-n-cheese, chicken nuggets, watermelon, and cantelope. He kept saying he wanted an elephant and I finally had to say well, we don't eat about an elephant birthday cake..."O-tay!" he said.

We ate outside by the pool. The three musketeers enjoyed putting their feet in as it was still a bit too cold to get in. Then they jumped on the trampoline. Ran around some more.

To my sweet Talon,
Though you think you are turning 4 on this birthday, your 3 year old self is just as delightful as ever. Yes, you are an emotional child, but your pouty face and your giggly face all put smiles on mine. You are one of my best friends and I just love the snuggles you give me.

We share a lot in common. We both love chocolate milk, we love to sing songs together, snuggling and movies go hand in hand, cereal can be eaten anytime of day, when we have our mind set one way there is no changing it, we both want our mommy when we are sad, and when it comes to talking about Jesus we know that He loves us and wants us to make happy choices.

You are like your dad as you LOVE to dress up and play cowboy, you love to make people laugh, look darling in shaggy long hair, are more likely to take a swing at someone if they hit you first, are goofy and make the best silly faces, and know you can win mama's heart just by saying "I love you."

You are like Jaxon as you are just as passionate about dinosaurs as he is and are his best friend.

Somethings you've gotten on your own, is your moodiness, and how you toughen up, put your head down and charge forward full strength, you little line-backer you. Also, you love to say the prayer at every meal and bedtimes. Today I watched you sit through an entire 20 minutes of song time in nursery and you were absorbed the entire time. You love to sing and do motions and really get into character. The teachers were rolling with laughter after you stomped your foot and informed us you squashed the "itsy bitsy spider" (after the song was over) with your cowboy boot and then held up your boot to prove it.

I love you dearly my sweet little Talon James,

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Temples and I do have every intent to blog

the last 3 months of our life...but currently trying to settle in, get the kids on a routine, and get some much needed sleep. The last month of travels has been eventful, so much change...the kids really feel it. Tonight Jax said with tears in his eyes, "I just want to go back to Morgantown." Since the other two were sleeping, I laid down next to him and we just talked for a half hour about it all. To him, Morgantown is home, we lived there for 4 years of his 4 1/2 year life. I miss it dearly, too.

Miss Doug dearly as well. We talked via Skype tonight and it made me miss him even more. 8 weeks and 5 days to go. We love you and support you babe.

Also, since my kids adamantly did not want to go to environments are really freaking them out right now. So the boys and I drove to Mount Timpanogos Temple because Jaxon really wanted to see it. With Jaxon leading the way, I held Colton in one arm and held Talon's hand in the other, and we walked around the temple. We talked about Temple's being God's sacred house where we can make special promises with Him and feel His love for us. Jaxon said, "Mom, I feel the Holy Ghost." I said, "Really, how do you know." He said, "I feel Jesus and Heavenly Father's love at Nanna's house too." I just love that he is starting to recognize the Lord's influence in his life at such a young age. It trully was a celestial moment walking and talking with my boys about this special place. I told them how their Dad and I were married here and made a covenant with God to be faithful to each other and do our best to live in a way that will help us return to live with Father in Heaven again. I just wish Doug was there to experience it all with us.

baby crying, again, has been the last 6 hours off and on...will try to blog later.