Saturday, July 11, 2015

Talon's Baptism

What a special day!  We loved having the room full of family and friends from our ward to support Talon is his decision to be baptized!

Here's his invitation:

We passed out this little treat we found on Pinterest.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Our only summer trip

was to visit Mom and Dad McArthur over on the west coast of Washington.  They have been serving as Military Relations missionaries in the Everett Washington Mission.  Since they will complete their 2 year stay on Whidby Island, we wanted to visit one last time.  It was the perfect family vacation for our little ones and for us!

We enjoyed Ferry Rides.

Olympic Game Farm

Jaxon was in his animal/nature element!  So we paused for a little photo shoot.

 Olympic National Forrest

Little Zlee

Another day to San Juan Island

Jaxon checking out the options.

 Friday Harbor's seal named "Popeye"

 Whale Watching...we did see some Killer Whales!!!

 And enjoyed picnicking in a very scenic part of the world.

 Loved these cool trees!

 Grandpa Mac fell on the rocks and needed some medical help, so while he was being stitched up at the ER my boys delighted in the garter snake they found under a big boulder by the parking lot.  According to them, it was the best part of the trip.

 We also enjoyed some local seafood delights!