Thursday, November 28, 2013


We were blessed to have all of Doug's brothers and sisters here (except his oldest brother & family) for the week of Thanksgiving.  It was just the distraction and help we needed.  They were a blessing as they helped cook and clean (especially Holly who stayed a few extra days and organized and cleaned my home before they left).  We ate yummy food and had great conversations.  How I LOVE the McArthurs!!!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Posted this on our Relief Society Facebook page after watching TOFW

Holy Inspirational!  I just LOVED watching the Salt Lake City "Time Out for Women"!!!  Here's to:

-Using my mind to become whom I want to be, whom the Lord needs me to be.
-Letting the atonement heal and nourish my soul.
-Pouring out my heart to the Lord, so He might fill me with His love.
-Developing rituals of daily nourishment from the Lord to overcome Satan's influence.
-Hoping, not fearing.

How I LOVE the gift of the Holy Ghost and that we can receive personal revelation from a very thoughtful Heavenly Father who desires to communicate with us and for us to know "His voice" when He talks.

Sisters, know that God's love for you intense.  He wants us to do everything we can to become like our Savior so we can be reunited as a Heavenly family.  Do NOT give up and let Satan win!  Do NOT let negative thoughts destroy your beauty.  Do NOT fear of what's to come, but DO cleave unto your covenants and rest your heart knowing that God's plan for you is divine.  You were sent here in these Latter-days for a specific purpose.  DO seek out to know what God would have you do while living here on earth.  DO let your divinity resonate throughout your entire being and live HIGHER than the world.

I love you and will stand by you as I know you'll stand by me as we choose God!

Eternally your sister,
