Wednesday, October 29, 2008

OH my gosh!!!!!

SO today was amazing. Not because i did ok on my pathology midterm, not because my patient showed up and everything went ok (my mom), not because dinner was good, but all because I was blown away by my wife.

tonight we tried Kim Walker's rub on my tenderloin steaks from my deer. Amber actually liked it!!!!! here she is finishing not the first piece but the second!!!!

we had the missionaries over so they could enjoy some nice WV venison.

I have tried every year to make venison that Amber likes. tonight we even comment before dinner that it was time for her yearly taste test. And this year she liked it!!! again she liked it!!! I was so happy. I was amazed (i think Kim Walker's rub had a lot to do with it)
anyway check it out she has a recipe on her blog.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Do I get mad and yell, or do I smile and take a picture?

Doug had been hunting since 2pm and I had just endured the following:
  1. Making dinner, which included messy homemade tortilla
  2. Cleaning up flour from Jax's tortilla creation
  3. Jax spraying water all over the kitchen floor
  4. Cleaning kitchen floor
  5. Talon screaming for food and attention
  6. Repeat #2-5
  7. Kids not wanting what I made for dinner.
  8. Giving in and giving them yogurt.
  9. Jax spelt half of his, ate 3 bites and began playing.
  10. Ok, I'm done, it's 8pm, you boys are going to bed
  11. Jax screamed for 30 minutes: "I want to eat my dinner!"
  12. Finally I went up because he started banging on the door with his feet.
  13. He said he had to go poop. I let him try on the toilet and nothing.
  14. Meanwhile, Talon yelling for lotion. I apply 3 times and he still isn't satisfied, so I cover him head to toe.
  15. Jax reminded me that we didn't read scriptures, so fine, let's read.
  16. Tell them to go to sleep and head downstairs, praying they go to sleep.
  17. 9pm, hear them playing, but that's better than screaming.
  18. Finally, I go to bed at 10:30pm and see their light on and noises.
  19. Go into their room to find this....

What would you do?

I thought to my self, "Do I get mad and yell at them to get in bed showing I was not happy with the choices they made OR do I smile and take a picture?" Well, I chose the later and then called Doug to see when he'd be home. He said, "5 minutes." I said "Great, you can take care of this!"

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Nephi errr Doug?

Well for a lot of you that know me you might remember my passion for hunting. Last Saturday bow season for deer opened here in WV. You also might remember that I have tried to play Nephi for two years now and make my own bow (and be successful with it). Tonight after many long hours in tree stands, my workshop and practicing beside the house (cuz in the garage was banned but that's another story) I finally reached my goal. I shot a doe tonight!!!
The best part about it is that Amber has been so understanding and patient with my dreams/obsessions about hunting and making this bow. Thank you Amber, I could not do it without you. You sacrifice so much to make it possible for me to get away and go hunt/project/shoot etc. I love you so much.
For those of you who have never hunted, try it you will see, you will like it (ok maybe not). Its kinda like a great Enos/Nephi event. Lots of prayers, forgiveness sought and in the end good meat for the family.

so without further comment the picture awaits you below.


Thursday, October 2, 2008

Tagged- ok I finally had time to do one of these.

4 Things I Love about my Husband:
  1. That he just passed me his credit card so I could buy some Shade Clothing.
  2. That he gets up with the kids every morning so I can get a little more sleep.
  3. When he goes pretend hunting with Jax and makes Talon laugh so hard he can barely breathe.
  4. That he dances with me and loves me unconditionally.
4 Movies I could watch more than once: (how about ones I've seen at least 5 times)
  1. age 8- "Troop Beverly Hills"
  2. age 18- "My Best Friends Wedding" (with my 212 chicks)
  3. age 22- "How to Loose a Guy in Ten Days"
  4. age 27- "Robin Hood" (Disney's boys love it)
4 T.V. Shows I watch:
  1. Dancing with the Stars
  2. So you think you can Dance
  3. The Ellen Degenerous Show
  4. House Hunters
4 Places I've been: (lived)
  1. Japan
  2. Hawaii
  3. Puerto Rico
  4. Alabama, Washington, Georgia, Ohio, Utah, Virginia, and good ol' West Virginia
4 Places I'd like to go: (and live)
  1. Germany
  2. Singapore
  3. Texas
  4. Oregon
4 People who email me regularly: (a.k.a. send me forwards)
  1. My step mom
  2. My mom
  3. My aunt Val
  4. Delta Airlines
4 Things I look forward to in the next year:
  1. Fall leaves and pictures!
  2. Getting out the Christmas decorations and being with my family in Utah!
  3. Having my "normal" body for at least a little longer!
  4. Seeing all the things Jaxon and Talon will be learning and becoming!
4 People I tag:
  1. Jeannie McLaughlin
  2. Melanie Danes
  3. Jana Cahoon
  4. Angela Vest