Sunday, September 12, 2010

Guess what I Just got called to be....

the Ward Activity Chair.  Yes, again.

This is how it went.

1st counselor:  "We've been praying as a bishopric hard about this one and we'd like to extend the call of ward activity chair to you."

Me:  (had this feeling I was going to be called as the Activity Chair and instead of feeling excited and ready to run with it, like I had the previous 3 times, felt intimidated, scared, and was secretly hoping to be called to teach the 5 year old kids in primary.  Why was I so scared?  Because this ward is in dyer need of some serious unity and is made up of mostly mothers who are doing all they can to keep their family afloat while their husbands are deployed in Afghanistan.  Plus, there was a lady wearing horns (it was a head band) in church the previous sunday...yes you read that right. The thought of Activity Chair just feels a bit overwhelming and who am I to know what to do, I just moved into the ward.)

Me:  "What are your goals for me as the Activity Chair?"

1st Counselor:  "We really need the activities in the ward to help unite our ward and create a community among the ward members.  Where you hear two Sundays ago?"

Me:  "Yes."  (This was the 2 hour combined R.S. and Preisthood where several women vocalized how they do not feel included, feel like they've been treated like "dog do do" ...mhmm their exact phrase.)

1st Counselor:  "Then you know what I mean."

Thank goodness I believe that the Lord will lead and direct us in whatever calling He gives.  I do believe He knows how to succor the people of the Clarksville 2nd ward and pray the Spirit will fill my mind and heart with what He'd have as "Uniting Ward Activities."