Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Year's Eve Tradition

Two years ago, we enjoyed all the New Year's Eve festivities Salt Lake City's Temple Square offered.  It was delightful, so we wanted to do it again.  This time I asked my Mom if she could watch the kids so Doug and I could go up a night earlier.  She happily agreed.  So I planned Doug's birthday date/getaway.  We went to the Timpanogos Temple, the to Blue Lemon for dinner, before retreating to the Plaza Hotel.  Of course, Ezralee came with us since I'm still nursing, but it was still delightful.  The next day Mom, Dan, and Hunter brought up our kids and Daniel, Adrienne, and their kids came too.  Temple Square had many great performers performing all over, but we stayed in the Tabernacle as it was freezing outside.  The boys and kids did head over to the big "ball"room filled with a bazillion different sized balls and inflatables.  They had a great time.  We all enjoyed eating dinner at The Lion House and then had a yummy breakfast as the Blue Lemon the next morning.

Hunter took this picture from our hotel.  The lights were spectacular, but I left my camera in the room since it was sooooo cold.  But it sure was romantic to walk under the lights holding Doug's hand this time (last time we did this as a family, he was in Afghanistan).