Monday, June 23, 2008

Indian Night

So you know how I love to throw parties...well we had some friends over to eat take out from Doug's and my favorite new restaurant "Cafe of India". We honestly have spent more loan money there than any other restaurant, and it's only been open for over a month. And let me tell you it's worth the extra 6% interest we will pay on it after graduation! =)

My new friend, Melanie Daines (who's my cousins' wife's cousin...did you get that), helped me get set up for it. She found some Indian music online and we decorated our living room with sari's that Doug's sister Kim had purchased for me in India. We played a game to see which couple could dress one of them in a sari following written directions. The Daines won! (he's in the pink sari =)

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day and Talon's 1st Birthday

How fun that Father's Day fell on Talon's 1st Birthday! Doug is such a great daddy to our children. I love watching him teach our kids how to fish, shoot a bow and arrow, and shake their little booties, as well as his "kid workouts" (he's created ways to lift weights (a.k.a. Jaxon & Talon) which he does daily). I love that he is a team player in parenting and lets me sleep in as much as he can. =)

Talon got a box of diapers and a book for his birthday. He enjoyed his birthday dinner of mac-n-cheese, frozen blueberries, and strawberry shortcake for desert. After we sang "happy birthday, he used his fingers to get rid of the fire...and didn't even cry. We love our happy, big-little guy. Talon's love and smiles makes being a mom so joyful. I love that he dances to my cell phone ringing, scoots on his bum everywhere, and makes cheesy faces when he's getting attention.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Katie Johnson's Baby Shower

Finally someone having a girl...and I could do a "girly" quilt! "Presents and Bows" was the inspiration for it. Britta, Abby, Emma, Cassie, and I each made a quilt square that looked like a present and added a bow to the top. I tried a new free hand spiral stitch for the quilting on this one.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Is there really anytime for blogging...

I honestly don't know if I will be able to keep this up. But I guess an attempt is better than not.

Here's a picture after the boys got "critter cuts". That's what Doug calls their haircuts.