Monday, March 8, 2010

Ft. Cambell, Kentucky is...

where we will be moving this summer!  Doug and I are excited!!!  Click here for a picture of Clarksville, TN (city next to Army base)  and map so you can come visit us.  It's about an hour from Nashville, TN.


  1. You did find out! How exciting. Is it because we just talked about it last night? Congrats.

  2. Glad you know where you're going! Although I do wish it was to Utah. :) But that wouldn't be nearly as adventurous. I'm glad you have a few months to prepare!

  3. Almost to Cali, just a few more states :-) How fun for you guys.

  4. Yay, Amber!!! That's always the huge question mark after Dental School and I'm so happy for you guys. How long are you going to live there? Is that already predeterimined or is "wait and see"? Also, I have been thinking about you constantly as I have worked on planning the RS birthday dinner. I keep looking at the gym and thinking, "Now, what would Amber do?" Thanks for your incredible gift and example. When are you coming to Utah next?

  5. Daniel and Kate JohnsonMarch 11, 2010 at 12:01 PM

    We are so excited for you guys! I am glad you got your first choice. Now we just need to see how far it is from Cleveland to Clarksville.

  6. Wow, congratulations. How exciting to know where you are going. Will it be 4 years? Almost done with school, woohoo!

  7. That is so exciting!! I am so sad your going to be leaving, but what a fun new adventure!!! Glad we have the blog to keep in touch!!

  8. How fun to finally know where you are going. We'll sure miss you when you leave. Our baby quilts won't be near as cute. :) BTW, your boys are adorable.

  9. if only we had gotten the job in nashville!

  10. So exciting you guys!! I can't believe you are done already!!
