Tuesday, November 30, 2010

"What's something you're grateful you can touch?"..."My wife."

Oh, yes...that was the response that flew out of my husbands' mouth as we are gathered around the Thanksgiving table with his family.  Laughter exploded and I'm sure my hand flew up to hide my "I can't believe he just said that!" face.  Jax and Talon passed out their little cue questions they were given in preschool and everyone had to answer their given question.  Well, it just so turned out that all the men, including Doug's dad, all received the same question and all followed suit with Doug's response.  I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

The month of November was full.  It was my turn to teach preschool, I've been crazy busy writing the script and arranging musical numbers for our church's musical nativity, and getting my house ready for the McArthur clan to visit for Thanksgiving.  Though I never felt I had enough time in the day to get everything done, I did try to focus more on the things I'm grateful for.  Each day the boys and I would write one thing we were thankful for and put it in our gratitude baskets.  When we prayed, we try to say more things we were thankful for and less asking for.  And though there were some hard or overwhelming moments, I found myself just so thankful to be with Douglass, Jaxon, Talon, and Colton everyday.  What a blessing it is that we get to be together.



Preschool...edible play dough...they LOVED it!

Jaxon has quite an obession with his dragon "Tarzar."  He sleeps with him, dresses him, buckles him in his carseat when he gets out for preschool...I mean this costume is muy importante.  Jax requested a photo with him and Tarzar...then Talon and Gruncle joined in.

In preparation for company, I finally got some pictures up on walls.  The flower pics are ones I took in Hawaii in August.  So here's some arrangements I've put up.

 If you ever come to stay with us, this is the guest bed (and sewing/craft room).
 View of opposing wall.
 and this would be your bathroom.

To view more pictures I of flowers and plants I took in Hawaii, visit my photography blog.


  1. Daniel and Kate JohnsonDecember 15, 2010 at 10:36 AM

    So fun to see your little family! I love the pictures you took in Hawaii. I hope I get to see the pictures in person someday before too long. And I love the thankful baskets. What I good idea to celebrate the season with a purpose.

  2. I'm sure Nate would've agreed wholeheartedly to Doug's reply :) So did you follow up with a "I'm grateful that my husband finds me irresistible?" ;)
    Your house looks beatiful and I'm sure you love all the extra space!

  3. OK , I really do know how to spell "beautiful" :)

  4. Amber, I'm so impressed! I love your main picture and your home looks so classy and beautiful. Way to go!!!!!!

  5. Looks like I need to come for a visit. I would be staying in luxury!

    I'm glad I to see a picture of your kids cute faces. It made my day.

  6. I want to stay in your guest room. Your decorating looks great! And Devin said he agreed with Doug's answer. Silly boys. :)
