Sunday, February 27, 2011

"For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." Matthew 6:21

Today coming home from church Jax says, "Daddy, quick get your seat belt on before the policeman comes and gives you a sad ticket and then you have to sell all your knives and guns!"

Amazed at the connection Jaxon made today from a discussion we had last fall.  I had explain to the boys the importance of wearing their seatbelts.  In addition to the safety concerns, I explained if the policeman gave us a ticket because they were not wearing their seatbelts, then they'd have to sell their toys to pay for it because it would be a lot of money.  How interesting that Jaxon connected knives and guns as Daddy's prize possessions that those would be the treasures he would have to sell.

So out of curiosity I ask, "What would Mommy have to sell if she got a ticket?"  To this Jax replies, "Your kids...and your husband!"

My heart grew five sizes as he KNEW that my most precious possessions are my kids and my husband!!!  I then turned to Doug and said, "Even our kids know what we treasure most."

Doug in his defense says, "Ya, but I would never sell the kids!"

I was then contemplating all the other responses that Jax could have said like my computer, cell phone, sewing machine, fabric, clorox wipes, washer and dryer, camera, friends, etc. as I do spend a lot of time with each of these items.  But thank goodness he feels that my kids and husband are my biggest treasure and that's where my heart is also.

Below are pics my cousin Jeannie took when they came to visit the beginning of this year (including the one as our blog header).  I LOVE THEM!!!  Thank you Jeannie!

My TREASURES, My HEART!  I love you guys!


  1. Oh, I just love this! It is true. You certainly exhibit that your treasures are your family. And so wonderful that you children already recognize that.

    Missing you lots! Daniel and I are often finding each other saying, "Oh, I wish the McArthurs were here. I miss them."

  2. Your pictures are absolutely beautiful. Magazine worthy. What a beautiful family! Love you!
