Sunday, April 24, 2011

My little men on Easter

It's been storming all day, but we did get a quick pic of the boys after church just before they stripped down for lunch, peanut butter bon bons dipped in chocolate, Easter egg hunting, and egg dying/decorating.  (I forgot to change a setting on my camera before I took these, so they're not the best...oh well)

 We had to hold the Easter egg hunt in the playroom because of the weather.  A few friends joined us.
And this is the turkey Doug shot on Friday and we ate it for our Easter feast as a family.  Colt and Jax even loved it.


  1. Oh my goodness! Oh my goodness! Look how cute those McArthur boys are. You could just squeeze them. Happy Easter.

  2. Seeing those pictures of your adorable boys makes me so excited to dress my little guy up! What cute boys you have!!! I hope you are doing well and surviving the storms... :)

  3. Oh I'm just smiling looking at these pictures of your cute boys... What a darling family you have Amber. I also loved your comments about conference. So true, so true!

  4. I haven't looked at your blog in a while, shame on me! You really do have some of the cutest little men around. And I love that Doug shot a turkey for dinner! ;) Thanks for taking the time to look at Matt's blog...This round of headaches has been especially difficult on him. We're just taking life one day at a time and praying they stop before we board the plane to Hawaii in 3 weeks! :)
