Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day and Talon's 1st Birthday

How fun that Father's Day fell on Talon's 1st Birthday! Doug is such a great daddy to our children. I love watching him teach our kids how to fish, shoot a bow and arrow, and shake their little booties, as well as his "kid workouts" (he's created ways to lift weights (a.k.a. Jaxon & Talon) which he does daily). I love that he is a team player in parenting and lets me sleep in as much as he can. =)

Talon got a box of diapers and a book for his birthday. He enjoyed his birthday dinner of mac-n-cheese, frozen blueberries, and strawberry shortcake for desert. After we sang "happy birthday, he used his fingers to get rid of the fire...and didn't even cry. We love our happy, big-little guy. Talon's love and smiles makes being a mom so joyful. I love that he dances to my cell phone ringing, scoots on his bum everywhere, and makes cheesy faces when he's getting attention.


  1. Wish we could have been there to celebrate. I love reading your blog. Can't wait to see you guys in a month.

  2. I can't believe how much Talon has grown in the last year! You guys have a beautiful family.

  3. Oh how funny is that! Kids do stuff that keep us smiling. You did such an amazing job on the quilt. I loved it! Do you want to go to Sams club soon? We should at least get together. Deacon has been okay for two days now. He went to the doctor and had rosiola but the doctor said he wasn't contagious anymore. Only when he had a fever. Call me girl!

  4. That is so stinkin cute!! I love that biggal (big/little) guy!! The quilt was so darling, you did such an amazing job on it. I was sad that I had to go and missed Katie opening it!
    Thanks for being my talented friend!

  5. He is such a doll! He totally seems like the most content, happy baby ever...what is up with that and the 2nd kid? Maybe allows us to be comfortable with having a thrid? (not anytime soon!)
    Sounds like a great day and I can't believe Talon is 1! Kate will be one next month on the 20th! Seriously, Time, where did you go?!

  6. Your boys are so cute! I am so glad that you are blogging - it's such a great way to keep in touch.

  7. I love your blog. You guys are so cute. Man it's crazy to think a year has gone by. I remember meeting you in March when we were both prego and I was so excited that there would be a friend with a brand new baby too when we moved out here. Thanks for being a wonderful friend. Your boys are so cute.
