Sunday, August 16, 2009

20 weeks today!

Yay for the half way mark! Yay for not feeling nauseous anymore! Yay for feeling Colton move! Yay for the placenta moving away from the cervix! Yay for an amazing husband who has done countless dishes, diapers, grocery runs, outside activities with the boys, meal preparing, and comfort giving! Yay for two healthy boys who are able to run around outside and get filthy and who get so excited when I walk into a room! Yay for all the prayers and love I've felt from family and friends!

I love feeling well and having energy! What a blessing!

Now I've just got to keep praying the hematoma will start to shrink and go away so I can have a normal delivery. Dr. Alexander did tell me I will remain high-risk for the remainder of this pregnancy since I had the placental I'm still on all the same restrictions, but I do feel the the placenta moving away from the cervix is a step in the right direction! I know this was an answer to prayers and thank my Heavenly Father for that blessing!


  1. Amber, you are as cute as ever and I'm so glad you are feeling better and that placenta is moving in the right direction! Hooray!

  2. 1- your boys are so cute!
    2- I am sooooooo happy that you are feeling better- I am so so glad that everything is looking positive :) hooray hooray!
    3- look at your little tummy- Colton is cute!
    4- tell Doug he is a stud for taking care of you- i love you all!

  3. What a cute pregnant lady you make, you look beautiful! I am so glad to hear such good news and will keep praying for you and your family. Ps. Doug IS amazing.

  4. You look so good. Half way wow! So sorry to hear that you have been have complications. I'll be thinking of you!

  5. Good news and you look great. Sounds like a wonderful combination.

  6. You are too cute Amber. Love you mucho!

  7. Hey, I love your blog! Thanks for sharing. Would you mind taking our last name off your blog? Thanks so much. :)

  8. Congratulations, I guess I am just behind you about 8 weeks. 3 Boys. Whew! I am out of breath just thinking about it. You go girl!

  9. Yay! I am so happy that you are feeling better. I am at 19 weeks and it is truly a revelation. I feel like my old self again (almost). You will always be in our prayers.

  10. I love you, you're gorgeous and I'm so happy for you! What sweet pictures with your boys.

  11. Oh that's such a relief! So glad to hear that everything has become better for you! Why oh why is pregnancy so hard? The Lord wants us to multiply, right?
    You are adorable at 20 weeks!

  12. . . . and now you are more than 1/2 way! Hooray! You're awesome Amber, hang in there!

  13. You look beautiful, I'm so glad things are better.
