Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 Funnies

September 2011
Tal- as I was gargling salt water, he says, "Mom! How did you learn to do that? Did Jaxon and I teach you?"

Tal-after Dad looked upstairs for a game and couldn't find it, "Dad, you have to turn the lights on to look for it!"

Tal-after finishing the outside edge of a 100 piece puzzle with dad, "See Dad, I told you we could do it without any help!"

Tal- on the way to preschool, "Dad, my nose is hungry? Hear that? sniff sniff. Juice box, (sniff) applesauce (sniff, sniff, pause) yogurt!" the contents of his lunch box.
Tal- "fphessert" Dad - say "duh, duh dessert"
Tal- "Duh, Duh, da da daaa da dddada!" (he has to have his own flair to everything)

August 2011
Tal- "Mom, I need to eat some spinach so I can have muscles to move the couch." To this I reply, "OK." He urges, "Mom, I need it right now!"
Jax- "This is the best gun ever!" (after he shot the bb gun)
Jax- "Mom, I prayed you won't cry when you get stitches."

July 2011
Tal- "We are going to have two girls." (in reference to more babies being born to our family) "And Aunt Kimmie is going to have 11."

Tal- As we are getting out of the car, "I've got to hurry in, Grandma's missed me so much!" (G-ma Mac is visiting us)

Jax- "I like our home in Morgantown the best!"

May 2011
Jax- "Can I get a pet boa if it stays in the backyard?" No. "Can I get a pet boa if it stays in a cage under the back deck?" No. "Can I get a boa if we keep it in the neighbor's yard? =)

Tal- "Mom, I LOVE sleeping the bathtub! It's so AWESOME."

April 2011
Jax- Dad tells him, "I'm going to lock up all these toys on the floor." To this Jax replies, "Dad, I'm very good at unlocking things."

Tal- "Mom, who's belly did I come from?" I reply, "Mine." He says, "No I didn't, I came from Uncle Hunter's belly, because he's my favorite Uncle."

May 2011
Jax- "My cute little legs are cold."
Tal- "Mom, you love Colt and you love Jax, but you love me the best."
Colt- In the morning I come in to get you and you fall over in delight into your blankets, belly down, and just giggle. Then you jump up and hold onto the crib railing and jump endlessly with the biggest grin.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Christmas Traditions


Doug delighted me as I wanted to decorate the outside of our house for the first time in our marriage.  I thought getting solar powered lights would be smart...except when it's an overcast day and they don't light up at night...oh and learn.
Colton enjoyed the inside decorations.


This year I invited my little preschool class to join us as we read the book, had hot cocoa with candy canes, built train tracks and Santa's workshop out of blocks.

With the help of Nana helped us start another tradition. She sent us pajamas, we did our hair "who"-like, had Steven's candy cane hot chocolate, read the book "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas"and then watched the movie (Jim Carey version).

Ben, Janelle, and Bendigo joined in on the fun too.

Since I got put into the Relief Society Presidency (2nd Counselor) I helped plan the ward Christmas party (this would be the 3rd year in a row for me).  When the RS pres asked for ideas at our first meeting in November, I came with a few ideas.  1. No dinner (too much work for 300 people) 2. Theme: Gift to Christ 3. Have people write down what they are giving Christ this Christmas and put it in a nice box and we'll give it to Bishop so he can see his ward family's goals.  She went for the 2nd two, as I sheepishly hid my notes after the meeting began and a dinner was on already on the agenda.

Then I taught my first RS lesson in December about giving a Gift to Christ.  And I want to incorporate it into our annual family tradition and have us each write down the gift we want to give him each year.

The boys had an encounter with Santa where they showed him what they wrote down as their gift to Christ at the ward Christmas party.

Doug's parents, sister Katie and her friend Sam joined us the 23rd.  On the 24th we were busy, so busy I didn't take any pictures, with the following traditions:

After drawing names, we each had $5 to fill that person's stocking.  I had Katie's name.

We strolled along the waterfront of downtown Clarksville and enjoyed the lights.

The McArthur family was blessed one year by someone who generously gave them food on Christmas Eve in their time of need.  So they always wrap up a bunch of food and some toys and doorbell ditch it to a family who might need it.  The boys had fun doing this with Dad and their uncle and aunts.  

WISEMEN DINNER on Christmas Eve
To save us a couple hundred of dollars, I decided to make Indian and Thai food instead of ordering take out.  I made Chicken Tikka Masala and Coconut Chicken Curry. 

MUSICAL NATIVITY...acting it out through songs, homemade costumes, and family and friends.
This year we invited the sister missionaries, 2 families we feel are close to our family here in Clarksville, along with the McArthurs who were visiting.  Besides Colton crying through most of it, it was wonderful.  We used the script I wrote last year for our church Christmas program/party.

Here a few clips from the evening.

Friday, December 9, 2011


remember, that's what you're working on Amber.

that's what you need to do right now as there's no room in the house clean enough to feel the Spirit you are seeking.

as I know that's where to find peace

in our Father in Heaven and our Saviour who helps us do what we don't think we're capable of.

Please, pray the Lord's will will be done in our family's life.  His will is always better than ours.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanks for giving me...

the most kind, thoughtful, loving, helpful, hardworking, sexy, and service oriented husband.

the sweetest, super creative, thoughtful, smart, independent soon to be 6 year old.

the hugging, superhero powerful, musical, hilarious, lovable 4 year old.

the adventurous, chocolate loving, helpful, crazy, kissable almost 2 year old.

And, God, thank you for blessing us to all be together.  We like it that way...a lot.

Please, when it's thy will and the best time for our family, bless us with another spirit who'll be a champion for Christ and who will mesh well with our family.

I'm eternally grateful for all you've given me.

(my 2011 Thanksgiving prayer)

Thanksgiving dinner plates:




Colt's was just a roll and he was off to bed.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Did I mention I'm teaching preschool?

Talon's preschool teacher moved the end of Sept. and I looked into other options but they were either too expensive, too many kids, or too many hours/days.  So I said to my self, "I can do this."

Within my major of Family and Consumer Science Education (a.k.a. Home Economics Education), we learned a great deal about child development and I worked at Brigham Young University’s preschool. We were required to know the in’s and out’s of a preschool in order to teach the high schoolers how to run a “preschool” program within their school. During my student teaching at Pleasant Grove High School, I taught the Child Care class and taught the secondary ed. students how to engage preschoolers in age appropriate activities, as well as organize their preschool to run efficiently and joyfully. This past year, I taught within a “mommy co-op” preschool gaining valuable experience as I was the lead teacher for 12 weeks.

So I did start my very own preschool so my social 4 year old could have the opportunity to learn with others in a fun, structured environment.  I've enjoyed it so far and like using my creative juices in this venue.

I teach 2 days a week from 9am-12, have a total of 5 students plus Colton who joins us when he's not napping and I earn a little extra cash to pay for utilities.

Talon wakes up every morning asking if it's a preschool day and when it is he's super excited and when it's not, he's begging for it.  Here are some pics of him at preschool.

Remember that mirror that Colton pulled on top of himself...with the help of Doug, I turned it into my magnetic chalk board for preschool.  I love it!

 We love reading in our class.  This month we've been discussing the different food groups.  Color identification, nutrition benefits, textures, and some taste testing have occurred. We even made whole wheat bread from scratch where they helped grind the wheat and knead the dough to make their own mini loaf for our Thanksgiving feast.

We got festive for Halloween and made square monster masks and Frankenstein pudding cups and played the ghost game after stringing their scary necklaces.
 Thanksgiving we made "Thankful" banners with pears, pumpkins, leafs, and squares (the shapes we've been discussing) and they wrote the things they are thankful for on the back of it.  Here's the one Talon made.  Also, turkey apples and of course a sampling of the "First Thanksgiving" with berries, corn, seeds, squash, jerky, turkey, and the mini wheat bread they made.  We invited their moms for the feast.

Talon, I do this for you and "For the Love of Learning" as I want you to develop/maintain a desire to learn and that great joy is found as we expand our minds, our character, and skills.  I love you sweet boy!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Superhero Halloween

My boys (well, specifically Talon) decided superheros were the way to go this year.  So here we are trying to strut our superhero powers...I really wish I had some some days.

 Wolverine was a great fit for Talon as his temper can flare from zero to ninety just like the fictional character. =)  How I loved hearing him say, "I here to save the day!"  And Talon, you do save my days with your pure enthusiasm for the smallest things and how "in character" you can be.  I love your superhero strength to make me smile!
 Flash fit Jaxon as he's quick to think of new ideas or figure a problem out.  His superhero strength keeps my mind thinking as I try to lead and teach this very independent child.
 Superman...I've been calling Doug this since we were dating and he'd lift 18 bags of groceries into the house from the car just because he didn't want to make multiple trips.  How I love his superhero powers to save me when I need love the most...I'm so thankful he lets me rest on his strength when I've exhausted mine.
 Storm.  Besides the fact that Jaxon insisted I was her for Halloween, I do think she's a good fit for my recent behavior as the past few weeks I've been cleaning & cooking up a storm.  Also, I have to add that there have been some thunder & lighting bolts that have flown out of me...sorry kids & Doug.
 Spiderman is definitely fitting for Colton as he's constantly climbing on tops of the kitchen counter, the couches, in & out of his crib, onto my tall bed, the bathroom sinks, the table, in & out of his high chair, etc.  He's fast and keeps us all in motion.  I love his superhero power to help me put life into perspective.  When I take the time to just read books, cuddle, or sing with him, I know in that moment that there's nothing more important than just being with him...that goes for all my kids & husband.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Great Times in Gatlinburg with the Gales

For fall break, Doug took off work and we traveled to Gatlinburg, TN with our friends the Gales.  We shared a 3 bedroom cabin in the Great Smokey Mountains that came equiped for our combined 7 boys...they esp. loved the game room, hot tub, and movie room.  Some of our favorite memories were playing games, FHE with little light sabers, the aquarium, yummy meals, colorful drive to the top of the Smokeys (but it was too foggy to see out once we got there), outlet mall shopping, Ober Gatlinburg with the overlook tram ride & ski lifts with alpine slides, and close to midnight conversations...we just didn't want to go to bed =).


Morning scripture study

Little light sabers
Fish faces...some really look happy!

swimming in the rain
Our attempted family photo: