Friday, July 22, 2011

Playing catch up...oh there's lots

Wow the last few months have been busy...crazy...did I tell you we had to find another house to live in because our landlord pcs back?

Here we go on the blogs that have been on the back burner until life gave me a moment to record it.


  1. Hooray for catch up! I am so sorry you had such a hard month in April. Next time, call and we will cry together! I hope your life has calmed down now that you are moved and I hope Doug never gets deployed. We love and miss you guys so much!

  2. Oh Amber I'm so sorry you had a bad month. I was having a downer day and thought to myself I need to be happy and positive like Amber. So know that you are not alone and I think we all have bad moments.... Well at least I have alot! I think you are amazing and hope and pray that I will be as good of mom to 3 very active boys as you are. I hope Doug never gets deployed!! Calle if you ever need someone to talk too. Hurray for ye you will be amazing
