Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Visitors =)

Mom and Dad McArthur came to visit us and later Aunt Kimmie joined us.  Mama Mac helped me paint some furniture which she loves to do and wouldn't have gotten done for a long time had she not been such a motivator and proactive worker.

We even painted our old table and chairs.

Road bikes.

Blew bubbles.
 Worked in the ward garden.

Doug did a FHE on choosing the right and for our activity we made paper targets that said "CTR" and we had to aim for it.  We'll when we got there Doug and his Dad headed into the woods to move a tree stand and so I was left to lead the game.  Doug's mom got these pics of me teaching the kids to shoot the bb not something I'd ever predicted for myself growing up as I wrote a term paper on Gun Control, nevertheless, here I am teaching my kids to shoot.  At least Doug thinks it's hot.                

 Visited the Adventure Science Museum in Nashville.

 Anaconda wrestling.

It was wonderful having them around. Though when we said goodbye to Aunt Kimmie, we all were in tears as we have no idea when we'll see her again.

1 comment:

  1. hey amber, saw your in-laws tonight! just makes me miss you guys even more :). cracks me up about you teaching your boys to shoot a gun. gavin would LOVE to be in on that lesson! and i can't believe jaxon is in kindergarten. his baby blues are so handsome!
