Friday, May 25, 2012

26 weeks of A-Z

Well, we did it... and I loved it.  Who knew I would ever love teaching 4-5 year olds getting ready for Kindergarten.  I created my own routine and curriculum and I think it turned out pretty well.

I made binders for each kid with picture collages of our funness, their work/writing/art, and a love letter from me.

Talon James, I did this for you and I'm so happy we did it together.  I loved seeing your enthusiasm for learning. You are such a social bug and this was the perfect combination for you.  Even Colton jumped on the bandwagon and participated just like he was 4 yrs.  I hope you'll keep your smiles on this up coming school year and fill your mind with great things...just "for the love of learning."

The year through pics:

1 comment:

  1. You are amazing- again we need to live near- mostly so that you can teach MY children!!
