Thursday, September 22, 2016

Monson is one!

To my sweet Monson Boy,

My blogging world came to a halt the moment you arrived as somethings had to be left undone so I could relish in YOU a little more.  OH the indescribable joy you have brought to my life from the moment you came out of my belly and into my arms to the moment you leaned over and gave me a kiss and then giggled as I put you down for a nap this afternoon.  One day I will back track and record your birth story and post pics of your first year, but for now I just want to record about you.  

You, my little love, were supposed to come to our family soon after Zlee arrived.  As the promptings came during my pregnancy with Z.  You are the most easy going, happy, chill, patient, playful kid.  Its easy to get a smile or a giggle out of you!  You love exploring the world around you.  Without any help from mom and dad, you figured out how crawl, climb on things, and go up and down stairs.  You  love when Dad gets home and crawl straight to him and can't wait for him to play with you.  I'm definitely your comfort and when I'm not around, you freak out!  Cried for a whole hour (which you never cry much at all) when I left you with a babysitter.  As soon as I came back, you were just fine.  

You've slept in our walk-in closet since birth as I wanted to keep you near and all the other bedrooms are downstairs. You were a good nurser and still are.  Sleeping through the night didn't come until I hit my exhaustion wall around 9months and physically couldn't get out of bed.  You love to eat anything I feed you and are happy to pick up the left over crumbs on the floor.  When we've gone to the beach you eat sand as if it's Cherrios.

Your brothers and sister love on you daily.  I love seeing their faces light up with excitement to see you.  Especially Ezralee, she rejoices in you every morning and for months will tell me when you're awake- "He's awake!" she exclaims and runs to you.  She offers hugs and kisses and you give them right back.  My hope is the two of you will be best friends your whole life! Your brothers never complain when I ask them to help you.  They try to convince me to let you sleep in their beds.

You love music and we all love watching your arms wave or your bum go up and down when you hear music.  Baths make you happy and frequently Colton helps bathe you.  You love balls and books too. 

Z-lee started calling you "Monts" so we all call you that now.  Dad calls you "Ming Ming" because you would roll around like a panda bear when snuggling.  Sometimes he calls you "Sooner" because people from work thought we were naming you Monsoon.  

We love you so much and we are abundantly grateful for a healthy first year of life!  

Love you eternally,


monson is so quite in the car he's like a good doggy. -Colton

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