Tuesday, July 1, 2008

First Flight

Jaxon, Talon, and I took our first trip to Utah together. And let me say, we have stories. Here are some of the funny and not so funny moments:
  • Double stroller: Talon in front dragging his blanking and waving his arms in excitement, toddler car seat in Jax's seat, Jax holding onto the stroller while the car seat continues to fall on top of him, mom with 2 backpacks horizontally pushing the stroller =).
  • The drunk couple sitting in front of us that spelt beer all over as she (whom I call "crazy lady") was climbing over him to go to the bathroom.
  • "Crazy Lady" turning around, pointing her finger ferosously, and rudely yelling "DOON'T YOU KICK MY SEAT." After Jaxon had been sitting in his carseat for literally 2 minutes...o-boy and we haven't even left the gate....this will be fun!
  • Trying to go the bathroom? How in the world was I supposed to do that with a lap child?
  • Jax finally falling asleep 20 minutes before landing the 4 hour flight.
  • Last but not least- Talon's huge blowout all over my leg.

Oh, the joys of traveling. On the positive side, the Lord blessed me with patience that day and I was able to maintain composure. And the kids did the best they could in the circumstances. Thanks for your prayers.


  1. What a crazy flight! Doug told us a little bit about it but he forgot the blow out. Yikes! I am glad you made it and hopefully your flight home won't be near as bad.

  2. I just have to salute you for even taking on the challenge of flying for 4 hours with 2 toddlers! I always knew you were a wonder woman, but this just confirms it even more.
    Hope you are having/had fun in Utah!

  3. What an adventure! I bet you're not looking forward to the return flight. I think the Lord does bless us with more patience during those times. You are such a trooper and I hope you are having a blast in Utah! Can't wait for your visit.

  4. Wow, and I thought it was bad flying alone with one kid!

  5. Oh does that bring back memories and it makes me not want to fly home by myself in two three weeks. Not to mention Ashton is Potty trained so what will I do when he needs to go pee. Oh Joy. Ashton did the same thing. He didn't fall asleep until the flight came to a land. I was like oh this is so wonderful. Oh, but you are much more strong now that you have done it alone!! You go girl! I am proud of you. Sorry about the crazy drunk lady. No fun!!!

  6. What?! You were in Utah and didn't call?! Booo hooo! I'm so sad we didn't get to see you guys. Maybe next time?

  7. AHH! I would have started bawling!! I do not do well with stress, pressure and being yelled at all at once! But that's just me. Of course you were fine! You are the most upbeat person I know! I hope the return flight is/was much better.

  8. Oh Amber I am so sorry to hear about your flight. I couldn't help but laugh about some parts, but I am glad you made it there safely. You are amazing and so patient I can just see you calmly handling every situation. I'm impressed you did it with 2 kids. Now you know you can do it. So I don't know how you feel about this for the flight home, but Benadryl works wonders :)!!I hate to say it, but that's how we survived :)

  9. Oh my friend! I am so sorry that I was not able to be there with you! We leave next week and I am already kind of dreading the flight and I only have one kid! You are a super MOM!!! I hope you had fun and have missed you!! Can't wait to see you!!
