And I was apart of it! Today I reflected back to 5th grade, living in Montgomery, Alabama, learning about Martin Luther King, Jr. and feeling like that happened centuries ago, when in reality it was just over 20 years previous. Then in 6th grade, living in Talladega, Alabama, I was in the minority class as a white American. The African American race was the majority and I remember a select few individuals who reminded me of that. Coming from Hawaii (lived there from Kindergarten through 4th grade), there were so many different cultures merged into the school systems, I had been used to being in the minority class, so I didn't think that this would phase me. But the differences I felt from Hawaii to Alabama was how I was treated as family in Hawaii and as an outsider in Alabama. I remember several black peers feeling anger about racism and how their ancestors were treated. I felt that they in return projected their feelings onto us white folks and belittled us because of what their ancestors went through. It felt like they blamed us. I remember a black girl wanting to fight me because she thought the reason I wouldn't let her copy my paper was because she was black. I felt scared, intimidated, and didn't understand the hatred that some 12 year olds had over something that was in the past. Looking back now, I have a better understanding that children are products of their parents and so on and so on. I felt this then and feel it even more now, RESPECT for all American citizens who learn from the past, yet do all they can to better themselves to be the best person they can become.
Today I felt honored to be apart of this historic day that my children will learn about in their History text books. I admire that Barrack Obama strived to make himself the best American citizen he could become and I pray he will do the same as President. He's stepping into office at a tough time in American History, with 2 wars, a sunken economy, a massive national debt, shady politicians, and let's not forget, Satan doing all he can to win the hearts of us all.
This was the first presidential election I voted in. It was very challenging for me to decide whom to vote for. After researching out both candidates, I prayed and fasted about it. The morning of, I woke up at 6:45am to miss the long lines. As I fell to my knees, I thanked Heavenly Father for sending me to this beautiful nation that supports freedom and was founded upon good honest principles. Knowing that our forefathers dedicated their lives and sacrificed their lives for us to have the right to vote for our leaders, put no doubt in my mind, that I not only should vote, but I should rejoice in this blessing. I still felt undecided, so on my way out the door I asked Jax, "Should I vote for McCain or Obama?" In my heart, I hoped he'd name ______* and he did. That was my answer. I reconized I did have a preference! *I'm choosing to keep my vote to my self. Mostly, because it feels like such a personal decision that the thought of someone judging my choice, feels like it would take away from peace I'm feeling.
In closing, I'd like to say to my children, to always remember that Christ plan involves HOPE! Even when you feel like our nation is going down hill and there's nothing that can be done to prevent it, know that YOU are a blessed individual to have the knowledge of the true and everlasting Gospel of Jesus Christ. His gospel teached us to be hopeful for good to conquer evil, to look forward to the day when Christ will reign in righteousness one day, and that we just need to do our best (and I'd add, our part) to be the kind of citizen Christ would be!