Wednesday, May 18, 2011


So for the past month I've been trying to think of a goal for my thirties...something meaningful, improving, healthy, challenging, gratifying...and it finally came to me last night.  My goal for my thirties is "COME WHAT MAY AND LOVE IT."

Starting with my thoughts, I want to be more positive and get rid of all the negativity/stress/worry/fear I've been battling since last May when I learned Doug would probably deploy and it's been intense the last month-too much stress and not enough faith.  It's time for a change hear me...we are going to let go of the control, let go of the fear, let go of the constant planning, let go of the stress, let go of worrying where we will live (searching for new house to rent), when we will have baby #4, if/when Doug will deploy and for how long, if I'm really cut out as a Young Women leader, etc.  I'm done...turning it over to the Lord. 

Also, yesterday while I was driving to Young Women's night, a sassy Carrie Underwood song came on and I starting belting it in the car.  It felt great!  I want to do just that...take full advantage of the moment and SING LOUD!

Hillary Weeks has a new song coming out that I heard at T.O.F.W. called "I Danced in the Rain."  The lyrics are powerful and that's what I'm going to do.  I know it's going to rain and rain hard...possibly with  more tornados, but you know what I'm going to find my polka dot umbrella and childlike rain boots and go dance in it.

So here it is in list form, because I like lists:

1. Think positive
2. Sing loud in the shower/car/home
3. about a dance class
4. Sit-ups and push-ups daily (unless prego)
5. Scriptures daily/Prayers morning and night (all with more meaning)
6. Share Gospel more confidently and frequently
7. Candidly Creative Photography business going
8. Record our family history through blogging/pictures and print into books
9. Read to kids everyday (scriptures and lots of good books)
10.LOVE and serve my husband better (this might mean I'll fold and put away his laundry...we'll see =)

So here's to you Elder Wirthlin, "The way we react to adversity can be a major factor in how happy and successful we can be in life."

And from Hillary Weeks' blog and experiment on positive thinking:
President Spencer W. Kimball said, “How could a person possibly become what he is not thinking?  Nor is any thought, when persistently entertained, too small to have its effect.  The divinity that shapes our ends is indeed in ourselves.”

Brigham Young said, “The greatest mystery a man ever learned, is to know how to control the human mind, and bring every faculty and power of the same in subjection to Jesus Christ.  This is the greatest mystery we have to learn while in these tabernacles of clay.”

So life: Come what may and love it and watch me dance in the rain!


  1. I love you! A LOT!! Miss you too! What a strong and Christlike woman you are!

  2. Happy belated birthday! I thought about you yesterday, but never made it to the computer or phone to wish you a happy day. Isn't it crazy that we are 30 this year?! Matt turned 30 today. Life if flying by. You are such a wonderful person Amber, I know the Lord will take care of you and your family. Love ya!

  3. Happy birthday big three o! Thirty is only the beginning. My sister in law always said you're wiser and sexier. So, there you go! Live life up Amber.

  4. Sounds awesome, Amber. You've got great goals, and you are such a blessing in everyone's life that gets to be around you or hear your determination to do what's right. You are precious!

  5. I just love your outlook on life. Reading your blog seriously inspires me. Maybe one day I can grow up to be cool like you. (P.S. This is Melanie, not Devin. :) I accidentally accepted your invitation on his account instead of mine. Oops.)

  6. Love you lots girl! Happy (late) Birthday! Now you can be with the 30's cool kids :)!


  7. You so inspire me! I love your goal and think you look amazing for 30! Sorry friend I missed your birthday with all the craziness of life, but I love and miss you tons!
