This was one of those days you look forward to as a mom and it was more celestial than I could have imagined. To see your oldest so excited to enter the waters of baptism and have your husband perform the significant ordinance and have your other children there to witness heart was so full!
Jaxon gave his talk on baptism with such confidence and ease. If you had seen him a few years ago so scared to get up to sing a song on Mother's Day or say a prayer in primary, you would have been blown away by his maturity. Here's how the program went:
Opening Song- "Families Can Be Together Forever" Hymn #300
Opening Prayer- Talon McArthur
Baptism Talk- Jaxon McArthur
Musical Number- "When I am Baptized" (all primary age children, up front and sing)
Baptism by Douglass McArthur
Interlude: Video clip about the LDS Church by Amber McArthur
Holy Ghost talk- Daniel Wilson (Granddad)
Confirmation of Holy Ghost- Douglass McArthur
Welcome to Church- Primary, Bishopric
Closing Song- "I am a Child of God" Hymn #301
Closing Prayer- Russell Gale
Jaxon had invited our entire culdesac, his Kindergarten, 1st Grade, and 2nd Grade Teacher, along with a couple other friends from school. Ali, the 12 year old neighbor kid from Iraq, who Jaxon frequently plays with came with us and I'm sure it was the only time he'd sang "I am a Child of God" from the hymn book, but did so with great interest. His buddy Zakariah from his school class came and his mom walked away with a Book of Mormon in her hands. He's already a missionary and doesn't even know it.
I'm just so proud of my sweet, sweet boy. All day I kept saying, "Who's the cleanest in the room?" and he'd give me the cutest little smirk. That night he told me to call him "Clean Boy" from now on. I love that he loves feeling clean and desires to do good.
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