Saturday, December 13, 2014

Doug's 35th

For your birthday you just wanted to go hunting, so you did.  Then we went to the church Christmas party.

But since I'm writing this months after, I just wanted to brag about how awesome I think you are.
 Helped Jaxon make his first pinewood derby car- the jaguar.  And helped Talon become a reindeer for his Christmas music program!

 Took boys turkey hunting.
 Raised our first pig Jimmy with the Norman family (who named theirs Dean).

Since your 35th birthday occurred, you've been working two jobs to support our family so we could pay off student loans, serving in our ward as the Elder Quorum President using your high quality fellowshipping skills and inviting lots of families over for dinner, making mounds of food for your sick/pregnant wife, doing loads of laundry, many grocery shopping trips, squeezing in turkey hunts so you could witness Talon and Jax get their first, offer many incentives to help Colton stop sucking his finger, and teaching Ezralee to kiss and bonk heads.  Basically blessing many lives.  Yesterday we got in an argument and I shattered a glass of water on the back cement patio.  You lovingly picked up every chard of glass you could find from the grass and swept up the rest.  I watched you do this selfless act of service with our boys out the window.  Taking the opportunity to teach our them about love, I told them how much I loved you for tediously cleaning up the mess I made.  I do hope our boys grow up to be a man like you.  Also, later that night Jaxon said to me, "You and Dad have only fought 3 times since I've been born."  I do appreciate the peacemaker you are and that together we strive for good things in our marriage.  You are a good man Douglass McArthur!

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