Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Buckwheat Festival

So I love Buckwheat pancakes and have wanted to go the Buckwheat Festival in Kingwood, WV since we moved here. Doug warned me that it would be true WV experience with all the redneck you can throw into a festival, but I still really wanted to taste their Buckwheat cakes. The kids enjoyed the animals and were pretty exhausted afterwards. Later, the boys participated in their own WV fun and pretended they were hunting.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Baby Quilts

I've really enjoyed designing these quilts for 3 baby girls.

The cupcake one just popped into my head about 10am this morning, and Priscilla's baby shower was at 1pm today. So I had to be creative with fabric I already had.

The "AMY" quilt was for Melanie and I was inspired by her love for daisies and a picture that hung in her bathroom.

Emma told me that she loved flowers and pink and green, but her husband Will wasn't into "girly" girl stuff. So I tried to make it appeasing to both. Several other friends added their love with the smaller flowers. I love our quilting parties!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

No Cancer for me!

Just FYI, it was all benign. It was a fibroidadinoma and a cyst from the previous surgery.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


it looks like i'm joinging the blog world. up until now amber has done it all and has done a fine job. too i might add. so tonight she's teaching me to invite, post and all sorts of crazy things.
anyway with amber out of action its up to dad to do the everything. so today was spent with one boy in his pj's all day, the other in only a diaper, crumbs all over the floor, toys scattered as if hurricane ike had just hit us, but...
the boys were fed, happy, playful and we had a great day together. so for now things are under control...

so taking a moment to quote jaxon, "you try that mom!" after climbing on the table to the hundreth time!

so had already posted this but it got vetoed by amber, she wanted to change it. so here's the changed version, (we moved the picture)

Saturday, September 13, 2008

White Coat Ceremony

Doug had his White Coat Ceremony a couple of weeks ago to officially celebrate him working in the dental clinic. It's crazy to think we are over half way through dental school. We started this adventure with two of our favorite couples: the Johnsons and the Ulibaris. What a blessing their friendships have been to Doug in school and me at home.

The boys did pretty well during the ceremony. Jaxon, the care taker, wanted to make sure Dad would get his coat and kept asking, "Daddy get his coat?" I'd reply, "Yes, Daddy will get his coat." Talon, our enthusiast, clapped and squealed for dad and several other people.

Dougie baby, I really am proud of the dentist you are becoming and hope you are extra gentle on your patient tomorrow. She's a bit anxious to get some fillings but has confidence that you are talented with your hands. My suggestion is to hold her hand while you give her that numbing shot. =)

Friday, September 12, 2008

Lumpectomy #2

So, yesterday I had what hopefully is not becoming my "annual lumpectomy." I found another mass in July, same side as before, same area almost. Well, after meeting with my new favorite breast specialist, we decided to get this mass removed as well.

The surgery yesterday went well. Dr. Hazzard said that she believes the mass was actually a cyst that was probably caused from my previous lumpectomy last September. The cyst had a thick milky inside which was probably due to the fact that I was nursing Talon when I had the first lumpectomy. She also said that there was some fibroid adenoma tissue around there and got that out too. Of course, everything was sent to the lab to be biopsied, but we don't feel that there will be any scare of cancer, which of course is the most positive side of the whole thing.

Thanks to all you who have offered prayers in our behalf and have offered to help out during the recovering next couple of weeks.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Girls Weekend Getaway- the 212 Chicks Reunite!!!

My Freshman roommates from BYU and I all got together for Labor Day weekend in Cocoa Beach, Florida. It's been 4 years since I've graduated from BYU, and 9 years since we all lived together. The reunion was so invigorating, revitalizing, and wonderful in every way. I just love these girls and cherish the memories we've made and look forward to making more. I know Heavenly Father blessed my life with such endearing friendship, especially that 1st year at BYU.

It trully was amazing that all 6 of us made this reunion work in our lives. It's been the first reunion with no pregnancies, no kids, no husbands, and no distractions. There were moments of feeling like we were 18 all over again. Doug took the boys to go camping and boating with his family and I didn't have to worry about them at all. I was so excited to be there that my adrenaline kept me going 24/7 even preventing me from sleeping in. I'd wake up at 7am and just lay there so happy to be there with my friends and kept the energy until midnight...those of you who know what a sleeper I am, know that this is a monumental event.

We call ourselves the 212 chicks because we lived at 212 E. Richards Hall. Some of the girls commented that we all feel back into our "roles." That lead us to discuss what our "roles" were, hence the labeling in the picture. The following are 3 picture slide shows of our 3 days of heaven on earth!

Day 1- Movies, Shopping, Dinner, Memory Night

Day 2- Sonic, Beach, Sweet Pork Salads, Spa Night

Day 3- Church, St. Augustine