Monday, October 27, 2008

Do I get mad and yell, or do I smile and take a picture?

Doug had been hunting since 2pm and I had just endured the following:
  1. Making dinner, which included messy homemade tortilla
  2. Cleaning up flour from Jax's tortilla creation
  3. Jax spraying water all over the kitchen floor
  4. Cleaning kitchen floor
  5. Talon screaming for food and attention
  6. Repeat #2-5
  7. Kids not wanting what I made for dinner.
  8. Giving in and giving them yogurt.
  9. Jax spelt half of his, ate 3 bites and began playing.
  10. Ok, I'm done, it's 8pm, you boys are going to bed
  11. Jax screamed for 30 minutes: "I want to eat my dinner!"
  12. Finally I went up because he started banging on the door with his feet.
  13. He said he had to go poop. I let him try on the toilet and nothing.
  14. Meanwhile, Talon yelling for lotion. I apply 3 times and he still isn't satisfied, so I cover him head to toe.
  15. Jax reminded me that we didn't read scriptures, so fine, let's read.
  16. Tell them to go to sleep and head downstairs, praying they go to sleep.
  17. 9pm, hear them playing, but that's better than screaming.
  18. Finally, I go to bed at 10:30pm and see their light on and noises.
  19. Go into their room to find this....

What would you do?

I thought to my self, "Do I get mad and yell at them to get in bed showing I was not happy with the choices they made OR do I smile and take a picture?" Well, I chose the later and then called Doug to see when he'd be home. He said, "5 minutes." I said "Great, you can take care of this!"


  1. That is hilarious. I'm glad you handled it well. I'm not sure what I would have done. What a night though! I love how you made Doug deal with it. Very wise!

  2. I might have yelled, but i'm glad i'm not the only one whose gets don't always go to bed perfectly!

  3. I love it when people's blog entries show a glimpse into "real" life. Somestimes when I'm reading people's blogs I think to myself, "Am I the only one that has a less than perfect life?" So it's good to see that life is crazy and hectic sometimes!

  4. You're a good mommy. I keep Ego waffles in the freezer for nights that kids won't eat what I make :-)

  5. Well, you should see my post I just wrote. I wish i could have handled the situation as well as you! Nothing makes me more cranky then when my kids don't go to bed. I'm pretty nice until 8PM, but after that I turn into a kinda mean mom. :)

    The video did make me smile, your boys are so cute. Thanks for letting me watch them the other night.

  6. What a great mom! I think you handled the situation with such patience.

    By the way, your boys are darling. I can't believe how big Talon is. What a cutie!

  7. I totally feel your pain. I am glad that you decided to video instead of cry. I probably would have done both. You are such a good mom.

  8. Ahh, I KNOW those nights. You're a great mom for not losing your cool. Hopefully you get your turn for a girls night out soon :)

  9. I love it! Those are times when you will look back and laugh. Thanks for sharing. Jax and Talon are too cute.

  10. Oh Amber, this is what I have to look forward to. I know it... this is my destiny huh???

  11. Times like that make me so greatful I'm not a single mom.
