Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas on the Farm

Christmas was pure delightful homecookin', great company, freezin' tractor takin' pictures, silly Santa, and "Family Fued" fun! This year we drove 16 hours from Utah to South Dakota to spend the holidays with my step-mom's family. Growing up, I'd spend parts of the summer and some Christmas's with them and it's been so fun being back. The Olson's opened their hearts and homes to my brother Daniel and I when we joined their family, and it feels the same this time around as well. I've felt the closest to this set of Grandparents more than my "blood" related ones, just because of the time I spent with them.

Grandma and Grandpa Olson are celebrating their 60th Wedding Anniversary tomorrow, but we honored them yesterday when we all got together. There were 48 people and 5 dogs all in Grandpa and Grandmas house and it was so fun. Some of the things that remind me of them are the smell of coffee, cowboy boots, and their simple, genuine love toward each other.

We took pictures of all the grandkids and greatgrandkids by the big John Deere combine tractor. My fingers were so cold that I had a hard time snapping shots by the end. Jaxon was so excited that Santa came to give each kid a present. Talon got John Deere fruit snacks and Jaxon got a puzzle set. The night before Christmas they opened up their John Deere sweatshirts and sweatpants I bought at Gabes for crazy cheap. I thought they would be perfect for this years Christmas on the farm. My dad put together a family fued game that we all enjoyed. All the laughter and love is what made our Christmas so special.

P.S. For Christmas Doug gave me a love letter and 10 coupons of service and has let me sleep in everyday. I gave lots of babysitting so he could go pheasant hunting twice a day everyday here and also 8 days during deer hunting during the bow and rifle season in WV. So far he hasn't got any pheasants but has shot a whole bunch...he's still hoping for something tomorrow.

P.S.S. The boys had a fun time bouncing or should I say launching each other on the air mattresses.


  1. Love the family pic in front of that awesome tractor!! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas, call you about getting together!

  2. Holy Tractor! What a fun Christmas! I wish I were still small enough to play on the air mattresses :) I know my boys would have loved that!

  3. Holy cow, I thought I had a big family!

  4. Looks like you had fun! Can't wait to see you!

  5. Finally I get to experience your awesome website!!! It is better than I could have ever imagined :) Your family seems like lots of fun, really cool that your husband is in dental school. How much longer does he have? I graduate from optometry school in 4 months, I am REALLY excited. Anywho, great to see you, talk to you later.

  6. looks like such a fun christmas! And I love the pic of your grandparents hands, so cute!

  7. I think that is such a cool picture of your family in front of the tractor. I am glad you guys had a fun Christmas. Can't wait to hang out with you. I have missed ya!
