DecemberTalon- I'm describing different types of dinosaurs and he's guessing what they are. I say, "Who's really big and walks really slowly?" He replies with grand enthusiasm, "MOMMY!!!" (9 months prego...he is right)
NovemberJaxon- "Mom, I like to eat don't like to eat bugs...last night a bug crawled around like this and went in my mouth...I was yummy." (eeeewwww!)
Jaxon- "If I'm your son then is Talon your moon?...what's baby Colton going to be?"
OctoberJaxon- "Mom you need to listen and obey when I say come and wipe me."
Talon- "I can't...." he says in a whiny voice after I ask him to clean up. I respond, "If you can make this mess you can clean it up." He replies, "Noooooo, Jax made big mess." (pout, pout) I then threaten time-out. "Ok, Ok, I do it!" he replies and begins to pick up the toys with his mouth and retrieves all the toys like a dog for the next 10 minutes. (could have been done in 2 min.)
like Father like Son...Jaxon- Upon entering the kids' bedroom this morning, I found Jax sitting on his Diego potty, his pull-ups at his ankles and Dinosaur book on his lap. I gave him plenty of time to do his business and then asked, "Jax, are you done?" He replies, "I'm done pooping, but I'm not done with my book" and he continued to sit there for a while longer.
Talon- Eating oreos and milk is quite the treat. Talon loves to dip his in milk and then shove the whole thing in his mouth and can barely chew.
Jax- Urgently Jax runs to me and says, "Mom, there's a squirrel outside and I need my bow and arrow." I reply, "really?" Proudly he states, "I need to shoot it and show Daddy." I think to my self, "we've been living in West Virginia too long."
AprilTalon- With every prayer that is said in church, Talon folds his arms and says, "dabadaba mama...dabadaba daddy, dabadaba Jax..." and when he's done he shouts "AMEN!!!" with his arms out stretched. If the person saying the prayer isn't finished, he then repeats his own prayer over and over until they are done.
Jaxon- Today while singing the sacrament hymn, Doug pauses to hear Jaxon singing reverently and sincerely, "Twinkle, Twinkle, little star..."
Jaxon- He loves to draw pictures. This one was of the three bears, named Jaxon, Ashton, and Alyson (his friends). They all had the body parts in the right places, including the male anatomy...yes, even Alyson had a weewee.
MarchTalon- After a major fit was thrown, I ask Talon, "Are you going to be grumpy today?" He replies with his lips puckered out and eye brows furrowed, "NOOOOO!"
FebruaryJax- "Dad, my belly's stuck!" as he's shirtless pushing it out. Doug replies, "What do you mean?" "I can't get my belly to be big like yours."
Talon- Today in nursery we were jumping with the kids and Talon was too cute trying to jump. It went like this: squat, heals off the ground, lean forward, bounce up and fall forward onto his hands, stand up, clap, do it again.
Jax- Doug repremands him and says, "Do you want a spanking?" Jax replies, "Don't worry Daddy, I'll do it myself." as he spanks his own bum!
Talon- Frequently we ask Talon if he loves Mommy, Daddy, Jax, etc. and he always shakes his head no and says, "uun-uhh." This time were going through the whole list of relative, McArthurs, Wilson, Sturgeons, and when we came to Gavin (8yrs.) he thought for a moment, shook his head yes, and said, "uhh-haa!" So much for thinking that his "no" meant "yes." Gavin know that you are loved!
January 2009
Jax- "Ewww! It's poop!" as he looks at the bean burrito on his plate.
Jax- "My poop's stuck!" I pull back his underwear too see what's up. He then says, "Thanks Mom!" and scurries off to play. (his first wedgie)
Jax- After bath time, "I want to show my bum to Katie." I say, "No." He then says, "I want to show my bum to Maddie (Katie's baby girl)."
Talon- "whaaaa! ah! ah! Mamamaaaamaaa!" Serious freakout. I glance over to his high chair to see what's up. A pea size drop of yogurt on his finger. I asure him he can just lick it. More screaming! Jax tries to help, "My mouth lick Talon's finger."
Talon- I instruct, "Talon, if you want to jump off the couch, put pillows down first." He throws the smallest couch pillow on the floor and then dives off the couch head first onto the floor, completely missing the little pillow. Screams!! Snuggles with mom!! and then wants to do it again.... really?